Friday, March 8, 2019

Q & A With Jaime Hernandez at Strand

Went to a Q&A w/ Jaime Hernandez, his book is the reunion of characters from over 40 years of Love and Rockets. He signed my book, then I talked to him about Nardcore and Ill repute and Doug Moody. Oxnard!! He said Moody ripped his art and used it in record covers and ads w/o asking, and was a complete dick when he asked him about it ahahaha, I remember writing that guy to carry some of those Mystic Super series 7" records (RKL,DrKnow) for the little distro I started in my zine in the 90s and he wrote back saying I have to buy 20 of each, not 2, money upfront, and I have to also buy other titles I didnt want. Total knob!
#jaimehernandez #loveandrockets #isthishowyouseeme #ogpunkrock #nardcore #hcpunk #ogvatopunk #ropstyle #ropventures

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