Sunday, March 8, 2020

Meeting Tony Atlas at the Big Event

Tony Atlas!! When I was 8 yrs old in the 70s,  they would show pro-wrestling and Tony Atlas was on alot, he was my Superman. Wrestling finally came to the Philippines, at the Araneta Coliseum, it was sponsored by San Miguel Beer, and my dad's brothers worked there so we had passes. Tony Atlas vs Iron Sheik was the main event, it was bloody. When my dad brought me backstage, I met a taped up, still bloody, Tony Atlas and he picked me up and signed my event book, with blood all over it. I was so stoked, also met Don Morocco, Mr Fiji, and Junkyard Dog. 40 years later, I got to meet Tony again at the Big Event in Queens, I told him I met him in the Philippines in the 80s and how he picked me up, I told him how much I weight now, and he said he can still pick me up. This guy's bicep still much bigger than my head. Tony Atlas is still a superhero to me. If you didn't know, Tony was tag-team partner with the Rock's dad, they were the Soul Patrol. 


#tonyatlas #wrasslin #prowrestling #wwe #thesoulpatrol #tonyatlasrockyjohnson
#thebigeventnyc #wrestling #worldwrestlingentertainment

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