Wednesday, January 20, 2021

DC Street Sticker Expo 5.0 book - Unsmashed

  DC Street Sticker Expo book finally came! Give it up to @iwillnotart for an amazing super job with the book and putting together the DC Street Sticker Expo 5.0 (still open @thefridgedc until 2-2-21 or check the virtual tour) Trumple Shuffle and Purple Ride repping!
















#dcstickerexpo #dcstreetstickerexpo5 #thefridgedc #stickershow #stickerslaps #stickers #stickerart #stickerporn #stickerslapsnyc #stickervandal #stickergraffiti #trumpleshuffle #princeforever #theartistformerlyknownasprince #purpleride  #artistformerlyknownasprince 


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